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AHRC Farmingdale Hubsite Celebrates 25 Years

AHRC Farmingdale Hubsite Celebrates 25 Years

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Celebrating 25 years, AHRC’s Farmingdale I Hubsite at 236 Main Street has served as a space creating connections and skills advancing increased independence. The people attending the program and staff joyfully recognized this program milestone with a number of activities taking a trip down memory... Read More

Advocates hold up signs advocating for

AHRC Advocates Bring Attention to Urgent Disability Funding Issues

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Inside the New York State Capitol building, AHRC Nassau advocates added their voices for increased investment in services and staff at a Feb. 13 rally organized by the New York Disability Advocates (NYDA). For Coleen Mackin, AHRC Quality Assurance Trainer, the rally was an important... Read More

People supported by Pre-Voc hold a successful pop-up shop in Brookville

Heartfelt Gifts Sold by AHRC Pre-Voc

Monday, February 20, 2023

Friendly and knowledgeable, Sales Associates from AHRC’s Pre-Vocational Program have been selling heartfelt gifts from AHRC’s Wheatley Farms Catering & Greenhouse. The products range from scented soaps and candles to sweet treats. As Valentine’s Day approached, each sales associate managed a specific category of items... Read More