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OPWDD Acting Commissioner Willow Baer Visits AHRC Nassau, Engages in Dynamic Conversations With Community Members

OPWDD Acting Commissioner Willow Baer Visits AHRC Nassau, Engages in Dynamic Conversations With Community Members

Categories: Advocacy, Blog, Community Partner, Featured News

On the morning of December 11, AHRC Nassau, Citizens Options Unlimited, and Brookville Center for Children’s Services had the joint honor of welcoming Willow Baer, Acting Commissioner of New York State’s Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), and her colleagues to the Brookville campus.

Willow Baer and her colleagues along with staff and self-advocates from AHRC NassauThe visit offered a valuable opportunity for self-advocates, parents, siblings, and team members to engage in meaningful discussions about the key priorities, current supports, and future services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).

The conversations highlighted shared goals, including how providers and OPWDD can work together to address pressing challenges and meet the evolving needs of the I/DD community. The topics included the need for and growth of self-directed services, DSP shortages/compensation and residential selection through the Certified Residential Opportunities (CRO) list.

Following the discussions, Acting Commissioner Baer and her team toured the Thomas S. Gulotta Wheatley Farms & Arts Center, AHRC Nassau’s recent initiative advancing employment and education.

“It was a morning of collaboration and shared learning,” said Stanfort J. Perry, CEO. “We deeply value the opportunity to connect and discuss the priorities OPWDD is addressing, the challenges faced by providers, and how we can work together to create new outcomes.”

The visit underscored the agencies’ commitment to advocacy and partnerships that prioritize people with I/DD and the staff providing essential care and services.