Celebrating 25 years, AHRC’s Farmingdale I Hubsite at 236 Main Street has served as a space creating connections and skills advancing increased independence. The people attending the program and staff joyfully recognized this program milestone with a number of activities taking a trip down memory lane to 1998, including a game of 90’s Jeopardy. In addition to an anniversary celebratory cake, “founding” hubsite members were recognized.
Three cheers for 25-year attendees: Michelle Bontempo, Christopher Mooney, Donna Goldman, Donna Moles and Michelle Lasera. Also, here’s to 15+-year attendees: Matthew Fasano *(24 years), Barton Schneder *(24 years), Richard Spizzirri, Carrie Melora, James Parks, Jamie Allen, Robert Bridgewood, Christopher Sirinoglu, Richard Lundgren, Laura Paar, Edward Bello and Sandra Delvechio.