Pre-Vocational services provide the skills needed to go to work
Pre-vocational services are designed to discover employment interests, assess job readiness and create a support program that has the gainful employment as its ultimate goal. Pre-vocational services also includes the Employment Training Program (ETP), a paid internship leading to employment.
Employment Training Program (ETP) is an intensive internship program launching men and women into the world of work
The Employment Training Program (ETP) includes full employment discovery, targeted job development, employment readiness classes, coaching, and support in transitioning from the internship into supported employment (SEMP). ETP acts as an entry point for people who can benefit from an intensive discovery phase to determine a desired job and placement or who need to build their employment history. All work during the internship is paid at minimum wage.
Supported Employment offers the opportunity to obtain and maintain competitive employment
Supported Employment (SEMP) provides job development, placement services and ongoing support to maintain employment.
SEMP Services are available to men and women over the age of 18 enrolled in OPWDD’s Home and Community Based Waiver Services or enrolled through Adult Career and Continuing Education Services Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCESS-VR)