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AHRC Nassau Style Guide

I. References

A. AHRC Nassau

  1. On first reference, please write out AHRC Nassau. Afterwards, AHRC may be used.
  2. AHRC is not an acronym.  Several years ago, our name was changed to reflect a more dignified and appropriate way to refer to our services and the people supported though our programs.  If trying to provide context when referencing the agency, simply note that we are an agency that provides services and supports to people with developmental disabilities.

B. Family of Organizations

  1. The unique relationship among Brookville Center for Children’s Services, Citizens Options Unlimited and Advantage Care Health Centers is considered a “family of organizations.”
  2. When space is limited and you would like to define the relationship, you may also refer to as an affiliate agency.

C. Disabilities

  1. When possible, we prefer labels not be used to identify a person with a disability.
  2. If needed for context, please use person-centered language – this approach puts the person first and shows disability as a part of his or her experience. An example would be “children or adults with developmental disabilities,” rather than “the handicapped,” “the disabled” or “special needs person.”

II. Style

A. Fonts: When possible, use the Google Font, Bitter.

B. Use of Spaces: Use two spaces between sentences. C. URLs: Do not include https:// unless there is no www.

D. Numbers: Spell out numbers one through nine; for 10 and up, use numerals.

E. Times: Use “a.m.” and “p.m.” after the time with the exceptions of noon and midnight.

F. Capitalize:

  1. Proper names for departments and services.
  2. A job title that comes before a full name.
  3. A title should be lowercased if following a name.
    For example: AHRC Nassau Executive Director Stanfort J. Perry met today with Karen Tanzillo, senior director of Citizens Options Unlimited.AHRC Nassau follows the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook and Webster’s New World College Dictionary with exceptions stated above.