Vendor Agreement
AHRC Nassau/Wheatley Farms, 189 Wheatley Road, Brookville NY 11545
Vendor named above agrees to rent space (“booth”) from the Festival Sponsor at the Wheatley Farms located at 189 and 211 Wheatley Road, Brookville NY 11545, on Saturday September 30, 2023, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm for a fee of $50. Vendor must set up space on the day of the event no earlier than 8:00 am and no later than 9:00 am.
Festival Sponsor will provide: One (1) 10’ by 10’ Tent, One (1) 8’ Table, Two (2) Chairs, One (1) Tablecloth, Two (2) Tent Cards. The Vendor will provide all decorations, displays, and other equipment necessary to run their booth.
The Vendor agrees to abide by all of the following guidelines:
1. Vendor takes responsibility for any damage or incidents that occur at their booth.
2. Vendor is responsible for any and all permits, licenses, or taxes required by county or state.
3. Vendor agrees to have exhibit set up and ready for viewing promptly at 9:00 am on Saturday, 9/30/23.
4. Vendor agrees to permit Festival Sponsor to take photographs of them and their booth and to use photographs for advertisement or promotion purposes.
5. Vendor will remove all property and vehicles from festival grounds by 6:00 pm on the day of the festival.
6. Vendor will not dismantle their display earlier than one hour before the the end of the festival (i.e., 3:00 pm) on the day of the event.
7. Vendor agrees to help keep and maintain grounds, practicing all safety rules.
8. Vendor understands that they are responsible for any needed display props, hanging materials, and signage that are necessary for their exhibit.
9. If the festival is rescheduled due to inclement weather, Vendor understands that there is a Rain Date of Saturday, October 7, 2023, and that if Vendor cannot attend on Rain Date, no refund shall be granted.
10. Festival Sponsor is not responsible for any injury or loss that may arise or come to the Vendor, their employees, or their goods, from any cause whatsoever, while the premises are being occupied.
11. Festival Sponsor does not provide insurance. Any insurance must be provided and paid for by the Vendor. Vendor hereby relieves the management of the festival of all responsibility in connection with the safekeeping of the property.
12. Vendor understands that reservations will be confirmed by mail, fax, or email and no charges will be incurred until Vendor is selected and Agreement signed.
13. Vendor agrees to exhibit only the crafts and/or merchandise listed and agreed upon in this contract.
14. Booth/Tent space allocated under this contract is for the Vendor who signs the contract and may not be sub-leased to other vendors or people for display purposes.
15. Merchandise in the booth MUST be appropriate and family friendly.
16. If Vendor needs to cancel, fees will be refunded in full only if notification is received before September 15, 2023. No refunds will be given for cancellation requests received after September 15, 2023.
Typing your name above and submitting this form online is the equivalent of signing.