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Lunch at Glen Cove Diner: More than Burgers and Fries

Lunch at Glen Cove Diner: More than Burgers and Fries

Categories: Blog, Community Partner, Featured News, Staff

On a rainy Thursday afternoon, the Glen Cove Diner welcomed AHRC Nassau residents Richard (Ricky) De Leon and Mildred (Milly) Edwards, along with Guardianship Coordinator, Eileen Stewart-Rooney and Guardianship Assistant, Stephanie Hodelin, to share a meal filled with laughter and memory. Ricky and Milly, who have both been part of the AHRC Nassau community for over 30 years, enjoyed their time reminiscing over sodas, burgers, and sandwiches.

Ricky, Eileen, Milly, and Stephanie at the Glen Cove DinerRicky, known for his outgoing nature and sense of humor and style, remembered adventures in horseback riding and his thrill-seeking trips to amusement parks, including a ride on Kingda Ka at Six Flags Great Adventure—one of his favorites. Meanwhile, Milly, who has a passion for arts like coloring and needle-pointing, enjoyed talking about her extensive DVD collection, featuring classics like “The Brady Bunch.”

Both Ricky and Milly are supported by AHRC Nassau’s Guardianship Services, which play an essential role in their lives. These services provide support and advocacy while ensuring that Ricky and Milly, along with others, have strong personal connections that enhance their lives.

Eileen and Stephanie, along with AHRC Nassau’s Guardianship Committee, are central to this process. Ricky and Milly are two of 70 people supported through Guardianship Services at AHRC Nassau. As a corporate guardian, AHRC Nassau has the authority to act as a Primary, Standby or Alternate Standby Guardian for a person with an intellectual and developmental disability in Nassau County. This year, AHRC Nassau received $193,100 from NYSARC Trust Services to provide guardianship supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who would not otherwise have a legal guardian or advocate.

Learn more about family supports at AHRC Nassau.