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Ricky, Eileen, Milly, and Stephanie at the Glen Cove Diner

Lunch at Glen Cove Diner: More than Burgers and Fries

Thursday, April 25, 2024

On a rainy Thursday afternoon, the Glen Cove Diner welcomed AHRC Nassau residents Richard (Ricky) De Leon and Mildred (Milly) Edwards, along with Guardianship Coordinator, Eileen Stewart-Rooney and Guardianship Assistant, Stephanie Hodelin, to share a meal filled with laughter and memory. Ricky and Milly, who... Read More

AHRC staff member poses with Regina Clark

Beyond Words: Empowering Regina Clark to Communicate and Connect

Thursday, April 25, 2024

In May 2023, Regina Clark moved into the Helen Kaplan Intermediate Care Facility (ICF), a residential home for people who require a high level of supports. At times, supports, such as day habilitation services, are provided in the home. Gloria Reyes, an AHRC Nassau Day... Read More