With missions firmly planted in person-centered supports, AHRC Nassau and partner agency Citizens Options Unlimited recently renewed their Compass designation, a distinction of excellence held by only four agencies in New York State.
Tuesday, May 9, marked the beginning of Compass Validation Week, an eventful three-day visit welcoming auditors from the Bureau of Certification and Continuous Quality Improvement in New York State’s Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).
An engaging and empowering process, the audit team visited program sites and met with stakeholders across AHRC’s community–evaluating how people supported, families, staff, and volunteers come together to achieve person-centered outcomes.
Held in person for the first time since the pandemic, Compass Validation Week offered several activities from Personal Outcome Measures (POM) information sessions to educational classes at Wheatley Farms & Arts Center. These activities demonstrated both AHRC and Citizens’ shared commitment to empowering men and women with developmental disabilities to explore their interests and achieve meaningful goals.
Validation Week culminated in a rally with people supported sharing their experiences and what is possible when they voice their choices.
After dozens of interactions with people supported, families, and staff, OPWDD officials once again designated AHRC and Citizens Options Unlimited as Compass agencies and reaffirmed the strength of self-direction and our ongoing partnerships.