AHRC Nassau held its first volunteer dinner in three years on June 1, welcoming a group of nearly 100 volunteers and agency leaders to celebrate meaningful contributions to AHRC Nassau as well as affiliate agencies, Citizens Options Unlimited and Brookville Center for Children’s Services.
Of the many volunteers in attendance at the Brookville Mansion were Girl Scout Troop 3322, members of the Giving Tree Family and Purolator International. Eighty certificates were presented to volunteers, and awards were given to Purolator International, Girl Scout Mia Bacani and Amber Sun, President of the Giving Tree Family.
For Amber, deepening her connection to the community has made volunteering a worthwhile experience.
“You really get to know the people in the community,” said Amber. “The more you volunteer, the better you get to know them.”
Brandon Semilof, a parent advocate and volunteer serving on AHRC’s Board of Directors, thanked all in attendance. “Today I stand before you to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible work that you all have done and continue to do for AHRC Nassau. It is important for you to know that the impact you have made on so many people and their families is immeasurable, and for that we are forever grateful.”
Stanfort J. Perry, CEO, AHRC Nassau, explained the significance of volunteer service to the nonprofit and commended volunteers on their efforts.
“Tonight, is an opportunity for us to simply pause, to say thank you for helping this organization stand tall, and remain strong among the providers of services for people with disabilities on Long Island. We are what we are and who we are because of people like you,” said Perry.