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Drumming 101 @ 11:00 am

Drumming 101 @ 11:00 am

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April 29, 2023 @ 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Wheatley Farms and Arts Center
211 Wheatley Road in Brookville
NY 11545
$100 for 10 Classes (Must sign up for the series)

Learn to play percussion from the founder of Nassau Performing Arts Center! The fun and engaging art of bucket drumming helps find your rhythm, and increase hand/eye coordination. Bucket drumming  can be a social activity to promote ensemble skills or a solo exercise for students who aspire to be drummers. Final performance for the last class.

Instructor: Dr. Napoleon Revels-Bey

Fee: $100 for 10 Classes (Must sign up for the series)


You can sign up for any one (or more!) of our classes below.

  • Please enter a number from 1 to 10.
  • * By participating in this workshop you are automatically authorizing The Thomas S. Gulotta Wheatley Farms & Arts Center and AHRC Nassau to use or disclose your photograph, voice, video or other likeness for purposes related to the mission of AHRC Nassau including but not limited to publicity, marketing, websites, other electronic forms of media, and promotion of AHRC Nassau and its various programs.

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